InfinityAffinity archives

Planetary Peace and Unity, Ah-Om on April 11 & 12, 2006 at noon

Good day from,

From Infinity Members, Robert & Shreshta (Thank you!):

Synergy: The Whole is much greater than the sum of the parts

Please join us all around the world for two up-coming events.  Please let
your family, friends, associates and business associates know about this.

1. Tuesday April 11 at 12 noon in all parts of the world.  Please ad your
voice out loud or inwardly for at least 3 minutes of Ah-Oming with an equal
length and emphasis on both the Ah sound and the Om sound.  Focus on your
heart with the Ah sound and move up to the top of your head with the Om
sound and imagine the whole world opening up to Peace and Unity.

2. The second event is the first in a year-long process of events, timed
according to the Mayan Calendar and called the Breakthrough Celebration.
These series of events are intended to promote world-wide harmony as our
Mother Earth and her peoples take positive action toward global Peace and
Unity.  You can find an event to join in your part of the world or initiate
one yourself.  We will be joining each other in joy, music, fire ceremony,
energy healing and fun.

In Lak'ech as they say in the Mayan language, meaning, "I am another you."

Robert March, ND and Shreshta Carol Asher

The Breakthrough Celebration

Plan one in your area!

All my best,
Flesymi (aka Joseph Giove)


Isn't It About Time?:
Let's Create a New Vibe:
Manifest (Y)Our Destiny:

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