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Special Announcement 11.24.04: The Transformation of Consciousness will really take off on Dec. 4, 2004

Good day from,

Below is a very informative and exciting article by Dr. Carl Johan
Calleman.  I strongly suggest you print and read the article before
the end of November, as we'll be using Dr. Calleman's suggestions of
Mayan energy shifts for the foreseeable future, starting on December
4, 2004.  If you recall, I encouraged you to attend Dr.  Calleman's
U.S. workshops a few months ago, and he is also the main protagonist
of the June 6 Oneness Celebration on the Venus Transit we all enjoyed

As I mentioned in prior Concordances, after attending Dr. Calleman's
workshop and reading his book, "The Mayan Calendar and the
Transformation of Consciousness," I finally caught a glimpse of the
enormity of what the Mayans Shamans were relaying in their calendar
system.  Indeed, as Dr Calleman suggests, for the next 6 to 7 years,
it is imperative that we align to the Mayan Calendar to ensure the
smoothest transition to a Golden Age of Enlightenment and Oneness.  If
this seems a distant fantasy right now, please re-tune into our Vision
( and Principles of Action
( and, of
course, recall your affinity for the infinite possibilities of the
human spirit: (

First let me offer a layperson's explanation of the Mayan Calendar.  I
believe the biggest obstacle to understanding this complex system is
the use of the word "calendar."  To us, a calendar is a useful means
of reckoning the passage of time, by clicking off the days, weeks,
months and years, based on the movements of the earth and moon
relative to each other and the sun.  Historically calendars were
developed to attune to the rhythms of Mother Earth, but now our
calendar just reminds us of our impossibly busy schedules...when to
pay our bills, when to show up for work, when to meet people, the
timing of markets, picking up the kids, going to the Opera, etc.  This
is NOT the kind of calendar the Mayans had in mind.  Theirs was more
akin to the 5th definition of the American Heritage Dictionary: an
ordered list of matters to be considered.

The matters to be considered by the Mayans are the Creation Energies
that give rise to all physical phenomena.  Hence, the Mayan Calendar
provides a historically proven schedule of the accelerating and
intensifying energies that EVERY thing in this world (and the
universe) uses consciously, and mostly unconsciously, to create its
existence.  These are energies that the Mayans say began 16 billion
years ago with the so-called big bang, and whose grand cycle will
reach a supremely novel pitch and intensity in 2011.  So rather than
clicking off days and months, the Mayans offered something much more
profound and useful: a schedule of the cycles and sub-cycles of the
original Creation Energy Wave that fundamentally influences and gives
rise to the perceived reality around us.

Whereas our Gregorian Calendar helps bring order to the chaos of
modern living, aligning to the Mayan schedule of universal creative
energies brings order and harmony to the deep impulses rising in us
moment by moment.  And these energies are rising in intensity and
frequency for a purpose: to condition us (as in strength training and
conditioning) so that we, individually and collectively, may fully
manifest the high energies and frequencies of the Divine Potential.

As Terence McKenna says:

"Ultimately, what we're touching here,
is the invisible, all pervasive
intelligence...that surrounds us...and
penetrates is grooming us to be
able to tolerate its splendor.

"It's something like that...It can't
just reveal itself, because we would be
fried. We would never know what hit us."


So with that brief introduction, enjoy Dr.  Calleman's article below.
If you come across a thought or prediction that causes fear or
anxiety, remember that in order for a new way to be present (our
collective Vision, above), any structures or systems not harmonious
with what is to be, must drop away and die.  In this sense, we must
experience the death of some things, similar to the way a snake might
feel when shedding its skin.  Or perhaps more appropriately, when the
caterpillar "dies" as it morphs into a flying flower.  The sense of
"the end" for the caterpillar is a necessary and glorious beginning
for the butterfly.

My best,


A New Phase Is Beginning in the Cosmic Time Plan as of Dec 4, 2004 -

The Transformation of Consciousness will really take off


Carl Johan Calleman

The Fourth DAY

A new phase in the evolution of the Cosmic Time Plan will soon open
up; the Fourth DAY of the Galactic Underworld.  This phase will begin
on the Gregorian date December 4, 2004 and will last until Nov 28,
2005.  This Fourth DAY is a pulse of LIGHT that will be dominating us
for a period of 360 days, a period that among the Maya is called a
tun, a prophetic  year" characterized by a specific spiritual energy.
It represents a pulse of forward energy, of creative LIGHT, and so to
use a symbolic term we may call this whole period a DAY.  This coming
DAY is the Fourth DAY of the Underworld that is currently affecting us
the most, the Galactic Underworld, which started January 5, 1999 and
will be completed on October 28, 2011 (see Figure on the next page).
It is in this Fourth DAY that the transformation of consciousness in a
very real sense is beginning.  It will soon become evident that the
Galactic Underworld propels an irreversible process that will affect
the whole planet and all aspects of life.

In this context, the term Underworld, borrowed from Maya-Aztec
Cosmology, simply means  Level of Evolution of Consciousness".  Such
an Underworld is developed according to the Cosmic Time Plan in a
series of Seven pulses of LIGHT, Seven DAYS.  To understand the
prophetic Mayan calendar system it is imperative to realize that new
levels of consciousness, or Underworlds, are developed through such
series of similar pulses, series of DAYS.  During these DAYS, new
consciousness fields, with an origin in the Cosmic World Tree, are
relayed by the inner core of the Earth and determine the creativity
and perception of the human beings.  Thus, the prophetic Mayan
calendar system is a codification of a divine plan for the evolution
of consciousness and unlike all other calendars in this world it is
not astronomically based.  In fact, it goes back to a time when our
solar system did not even exist - to the Big Bang - and encompasses a
very wide perspective of time.  Recently, also professional
astronomers ( have
concluded that the Mayan calendar cannot possibly be based on
precession or any other astronomical cycle.  Today we thus have every
reason to consider what for long has been unthinkable, namely that we
have access to a calendar that is not based on the physical reality,
but instead expresses the divine time plan that delineates the very
purpose and direction of life on Earth.  In the larger context of
Underworlds the human species is now in the midst of the Eighth
Underworld, the Galactic, with only one higher level of evolution of
consciousness to go, the Universal.  If we are to align ourselves with
this evolution we should not look to the night sky to find the rhythm
of the cosmic time plan.  We should listen inside to the changing
energies of time mediated by the Earth, the Global Brain, itself.

In the time line below you may in the lower row see that in the
Galactic Underworld we are shortly about to be influenced by the
Fourth of its above mentioned DAYS.  The Fourth pulse of LIGHT is a
time period that in the Aztec time mythology was ruled by the god of
Maize, Cinteotl, and so we have reasons to expect that this is a time
period that will be nurturing for specific types of creativity.  The
purpose of this article is to outline how this new pulse of creativity
will manifest itself.

To understand what the map of time above means and, more specifically,
what kind of changes the Fourth DAY of the Galactic Underworld will
bring, we need first to answer two different questions.  First, what
does the Fourth DAY of an Underworld - any Underworld - deliver (In
more ancient terms, what kind of reality does the energy of Cinteotl,
the god of Maize, bring) and second, what is the nature of the
consciousness that this specific Underworld, the Galactic Underworld,
is bringing?

To answer the first question it is necessary to make comparisons with
the Fourth DAYS of several different Underworlds, which I have done
extensively in my books The Mayan Calendar (Garev 2001) and The Mayan
Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (Bear and Co 2004).
To avoid too much repetition I feel the best here is to limit the
discussion to the Fourth DAY (1873-1893) of the Planetary Underworld.
This Fourth DAY was a midpoint of an Underworld that developed through
Seven katuns (20 tun-periods) of LIGHT that began in 1755 and brought
the early Industrial Revolution in Scotland and England.  The
Industrial Revolution was really the result of a consciousness that
started to rule in 1755 and blinded the human beings to all spiritual
aspects of nature.  As this new consciousness emerged, human beings
started to look upon the Earth and nature as dead matter to be
exploited based on the calculations of the left brain half, something
that was very conducive to the Industrial Revolution.  Initially the
changes were slow and limited in scope.  But with the Fourth DAY of
the Planetary Underworld, beginning in 1873, this revolution truly
took off, both technologically and geographically.  Hence, in the year
1873, the electrical motor/generator was invented, followed by the
light bulb in 1875 and the telephone in 1876.  At the exact midpoint
(1883-84) the changes were the most dramatic with the introduction of
household electricity in 1882-83 and the invention of the car in 1884.
In short, this DAY brought inventions that in principle could make the
fruits of the Industrial Revolution available to everyone, reaching
into their private spheres.  Compared to the earlier telegraphs and
railroads, telephones and cars could be operated by everyone

When we study other Underworlds we will draw the same conclusion: The
Fourth DAY is when the new expressions of an Underworld definitely
rise above the surface of lower Underworlds and the potential of
spreading them to everyone appears.  It is in the Fourth DAY that the
new frame of consciousness becomes so powerful that its influence on
the human mind equals the old, lower, frames of consciousness that
previously dominated.  It is in the Fourth DAY that the new
manifestations of consciousness carried by an Underworld become
visible to everyone.

The Galactic Underworld

In the current Galactic Underworld, which at the present time is the
one affecting us the most, the focus is however not on technological
advances.  It is on the strengthening of the intuitive abilities of
the human beings and fostering a holistic worldview that ultimately is
intended to bring peace and wholeness to the global community.  It
brings a new frame of consciousness that will actually balance that of
the old consciousness of rationality, materialism and Western rule of
the world.  While this new frame of consciousness of the Galactic
Underworld brings many different kinds of manifestations, affecting
all aspects of our lives, I will focus only on three different things
here: 1/ The political and military decline of the dominance of the
Western Hemisphere, 2/ The changes in the world economy and 3/ The
path towards Enlightenment.  In the old fragmented, materialist,
worldview these three things may have seemed like completely unrelated
phenomena.  In the new worldview, based on the Mayan calendar, they
may however be seen as intertwined in a very direct way as they are
all expressions of the same new consciousness.  It is now becoming
obvious that no phenomenon can be understood in isolation from the
rest of the universe and hence the three things above are only
different expressions of one and the same divine plan for the
evolution of consciousness.

A fundamental aspect of the current Galactic Underworld is to bring
balance, a balance that may serve as a basis for the coming ascension
of humanity.  From lower Underworlds we have however inherited a grave
imbalance where not only the Western Hemisphere, but also our left
brain halves, have been completely dominating.  Thus, our point of
departure is imbalance and the balancing of the world brought by the
Galactic Underworld will by necessity be accompanied by a downfall of
the Western dominance of the world.  More or less as a spin-off effect
of this we will see the crumbling of patriarchy and all hierarchical
structures of human society.  Yet, patriarchal dominance as such is
certainly not limited to the West and as I have argued in one of the
articles on my blog much of the current crisis of Islam is due to the
fact that it is a patriarchal left-brain religion that is threatened
by the new  female" energies generated by the Galactic Underworld on
the Eastern Hemisphere.

The transformation of consciousness that will result in global balance
will however not happen in one leap.  Instead it happens pulse-wise,
and DAY by DAY the Galactic Underworld creates a world of increasing
balance and equality by favoring the Eastern Hemisphere and the
intuitive right brain half.  In between these DAYS there are periods,
NIGHTS, where humanity may rest and integrate the changes brought by
previous DAYS.  At the present time we are coming out of such a period
of rest and, as the Fourth DAY of the Galactic Underworld begins on
December 4, we will enter an intensified period of transformation of
consciousness leading towards increased global balance.

Someone who reads the above paragraphs may now wonder if I at all read
the news.  How can I talk about the end to Western dominance when the
West has emerged victorious in a series of wars carried out exactly
during the DAYS of this Underworld; the Kosovo War in its First DAY,
the war in Afghanistan in its Second and the war in Iraq in the Third?
Am I not informed that George Bush, a representative of Western Oil
interests and proponent of American military patriotism, came out as a
victor in the most recent presidential election in the United States?
Well, I do read the news (at least some of it), but what we have to
realize is that all of these wars are really carried out by the West
as reactions to the dwindling of its dominance that the cosmic plan
now brings about.  In fact, the West, in the sense of the US, is now
increasingly becoming isolated on a world scale.  This becomes most
obvious if we regard these wars as a step by step phenomenon.  Thus,
in the war on the First DAY a broad NATO alliance stood by its side in
an operation backed by the UN, in the Second DAY, in Afghanistan, it
still had the sympathy of much of the world and the backing of the UN.
In the Third DAY, against Iraq, it had to act essentially only with
the support of the UK and in obvious breach of international law.  Its
standing among common people in much of the world has been irreparably
damaged especially because of its war in Iraq.  If you look upon the
evolution of global consciousness as a stepwise phenomenon the true
pattern of the changing global mentality becomes apparent in the
decreasing support for and adherence to the policies of the US.

The outcome of the recent election in the United States also clearly
falls within this pattern of reaction.  It does not reflect a long
term strengthening of the West in its striving to maintain world
dominance, but the very opposite.  The election results reflect the
reaction of the West against the change that the cosmic plan now on a
deeper level is really bringing to this planet.  What is most typical
of the changes that these DAYS of the Galactic Underworld bring is
that it is the Eastern Hemisphere that is being strengthened and,
through holographic resonance, the way of looking at the world that is
typical of the right brain half.  The Fourth DAY, that is now soon
about to begin, plays a very special role in this context as the
period when the new consciousness really begins to break through.
Through this coming pulse the emerging consciousness, mediated by the
right brain half of intuition will be very substantially strengthened.

Even if the United States technically might win yet another war (for
example, in the event of an insurgency against the regime in Saudi
Arabia) this could in the energy context of the Fourth DAY only happen
at such a large price in terms of its relationship with the rest of
the world that it seems unlikely that it would be willing to take such
a risk.  Besides, it is really questionable what winning a war now
means.  As I have discussed in a previous article (also available on
my blog) the war in Iraq demonstrates that we have come to a point in
the cosmic time plan where wars no longer are won.  Rather than
establishing a new order wars may now simply lead to prolonged periods
of terrorism and counter-terrorism, where it is impossible to say who
represents what.  Of course, how we look upon the future course of
events depends on our values and perspective.  Some may see them as
working in their favor, others not.  Regardless, we are in for very
major changes and it seems very unlikely that the course of events
will be easy or smooth, and maybe in some ways the very opposite.

The Shift in the Global Economy

In the Fourth DAY of the Galactic Underworld the shift away from
Western dominance will likely be most clearly visible in the economic
arena.  This DAY will thus bring to an end the domination of the world
economy by the West, and it is easy to see the background to this: The
national debt of the US is currently at about 7 trillion dollars and
its budget deficit at about 400 billion dollars while savings are
minimal.  The unofficial idea seems to be that the rest of the world
is investing in the US economy by giving credits, but the question is
with such deficits how long the rest of the world will find it a
worthwhile debtor.  A somewhat similar situation is at hand in its
main Western partner, the UK, where personal debt recently passed the
one trillion pound mark.  On the other hand, China has now in terms of
GDP become the second economy of the world (with Japan third and India

Comparisons of the changing relative sizes of the world s largest
economies however do not capture the real picture.  What says more is
that an astounding 60 % of the increase in investments in the world in
the years 2000-2003 happened in China and that the same country stood
for about a third of the increase in oil consumption as well as in
trade.  As much as forty per cent of Japan s growth in 2004 was driven
by exports to China.  We are thus now witnessing a paradigm shift of
the global economy, where East Asia, and especially China, is becoming
the chief engine of all of the world s economy.  What we may conclude
from the Mayan calendar, with the energies currently favoring the
Eastern Hemisphere, is that this change is a fundamental paradigm
shift that will not be reversed.  After about 250 years of Western
dominance of the world s trade and economy, first by the UK and then
by the US, East Asia is now becoming its driving force, its engine.
While most of the world has not yet woken up to this fact, the Fourth
DAY will bring it to the forefront of its attention.

When I, based on my studies of the Mayan calendar, in the 90 s wrote
about this forthcoming end to Western dominance this seemed like
science fiction.  Now we are already there, and what it shows is that
the energies of the cosmic plan are much more powerful than temporary
appearances when it comes to the economic development of the world.  I
foresee however the changes in the world economy happening in two
steps: In DAY 4, East Asia, and especially China, will take the role
of the world s economic engine to the detriment of the power of the
pound and the dollar.  Especially the US dollar will likely depreciate
considerably in value and be shun by foreign creditors with a whole
range of political and economical consequences.  Then in DAY 5, I
expect a more fundamental change to take place in how we perceive
 values" and this will mean an even more fundamental shift in the
world s  economy", some kind of collapse of the international monetary
system.  Such a collapse is most easily understood as an aspect of the
energy shift favoring the right brain half that will lead human beings
to see reality concretely to the detriment of the global  monopoly
game" of paper and cyber money (which are abstractions without any
real existence).  Among other things the mechanisms by means of which
banks  create" credit will become transparent.  The old abstract
calculations of the left brain half will then no longer be consistent
with the emerging values of the right brain half, which sees reality
concretely.  This conflict between perceptions will be the deeper and
more fundamental reason that the world economy will reach a point
where no further economic growth will be possible and if anything a
negative downward spiral will start.  It is appropriate to talk about
hitting a  wall", since no matter what means are being attempted, such
as the expansion of credit, the wheels will then still not start

The real cause of this coming to a wall is thus to be found in the
altered consciousness that the upcoming pulses of LIGHT will bring.
There is then really no need to present technical reasons as to why a
wall will present itself to continued economic growth.  While many
people may be shocked by the prospects of such an end to economic
growth we may also look upon it positively.  An end to economic growth
obviously is very good for the Earth and the environment.  It is also
quite possible that as economic growth comes to an end population
growth will find the same fate due to the very same shift in
consciousness.  The need for growth actually has its origin in the
dualist consciousness, and the need for filling holes of emptiness in
the human mind that this has caused during the past 5000 years and
most markedly since the blinded consciousness of the Planetary
Underworld began to rule in the mid-18th century, which really made
both economic and population growth take off.  As the Galactic
Underworld DAY-by-DAY now serves to create human beings that are
whole, much of the driving force of both economic and population
growth will disappear.  As a further spin-off of this emerging
consciousness it will no longer be possible to regard the Earth, and
life on it, as dead matter to be exploited according to the
calculations of the left brain.

These are some of the changes on the global level that the
transformation of consciousness of the Fourth DAY will bring.  But how
will it affect our individual lives?  A first approximation is that
the kind of occurrences that followed upon the Oneness Celebration
(June 6-8, 2004, at the midpoint of the Third NIGHT) will characterize
the experience of all of the Fourth DAY.  Typically people then
described an increase in telepathy, a speed-up of processes of
spiritual evolution and breakups of dysfunctional relationships that
were not aligned with their higher purpose.  These kinds of
occurrences likely will be a normal feature of everyday life
throughout the Fourth DAY, especially for those that are attuned to
the cosmic plan.  We may think of ourselves as nerve cells in a global
brain whose connecting threads are now being entirely rewired.  In
such a situation we have little reason to expect our lives to proceed
in a linear fashion and in many ways our world and our perception of
it can be turned upside down as a result of this rewiring.  This
rewiring of the planet on a very large scale affects our relationships
in a way that may not be easily comprehensible from our own limited
individual perspectives.  We will simply have to have faith that this
rewiring has a higher purpose and that this purpose is good.  From the
point where this new creation DAY begins on December 4 we will however
find that those that are aligned with the cosmic plan will gain a
substantial wind on their back in their projects.

I think then that there is every reason to expect that the Fourth DAY
will amount to a turning point in our civilizational development.  It
is only as we now become more strongly influenced by the rapidly
alternating energies of the Galactic Underworld and the ensuing
speed-up of time that larger groups of people will come to understand
that we are subject to a cosmic plan and that this cosmic plan follows
the Mayan calendar.  A special day to notice in the Cosmic Time Plan
is the very midpoint of the Galactic Underworld, which also is the
very midpoint of the Fourth DAY.  This midpoint may be identified as
June 2, 2005, which is dominated by the energy 1 Imix, 1 Alligator, in
the traditional Sacred Mayan calendar.  This may be a time to
visualize the end of dominance at all levels of human relations,
personal, political and economical.  To visualize the end to dominance
will now be more powerful than to visualize peace and the point to
realize is that if we are able to create the end to dominance peace
will naturally follow.  To visualize the end to dominance is also to
visualize the end to the current imbalance in our own minds between
what is mediated by the left and right hemispheres of our brains.  To
create balance within ourselves and in all our relations is a way of
preparing for the Enlightenment that may be humanity s as the Mayan
calendar comes to an end - a life lived fully in the present moment
unfettered by the linear time and separate strategizing that the left
brain currently imposes on us.


I expect that the Fourth DAY also will mean a deeper unification of
the Mayan calendar and the world movement towards Enlightenment
(Mukti).  A core Mukti-Maya synthesis is emerging that it is the
purpose of my work to outline.  In this respect I wholeheartedly
recommend the work of Kalki (  Kalki is
developing processes, including through dikshas and sutras that
provide a path to transcend duality and reach Enlightened states.
There may be many other paths that lead to Enlightenment, but this one
has the distinction of being linked to the cosmic time plan.  While
many teachings look upon Enlightenment as an individual process,
Kalki s work is thus carried out within the framework of a cosmic time
plan of changing energies as part of a predetermined evolutionary plan
for humanity.  Thus, even if many people are looking mostly for having
individual experiences of higher states of consciousness I feel
confident that it is also necessary to have an intellectual
understanding of the cosmic plan in order to best serve the
enlightened future of humanity.  This understanding I feel can only
come from the Mayan calendar.

This core Mukti-Maya synthesis emerging in the Fourth DAY will mean
that people in a very practical way will be able to use the Mayan
calendar as a tool on their own path towards attaining the Enlightened
state of consciousness.  The very midpoint of the Galactic Underworld
(1 Imix, June 2, 2005) is an excellent time for people to start
following the traditional Sacred Calendar on a daily basis, as well as
an excellent time for people to visualize the end to dominance - the
Midpoint Celebration.  To be able to use the Mayan calendar for much
needed guidance in the chaotic and sometimes oppressive times that we
have ahead of us we need to incorporate it in our daily lives, become
aware of the energies ruling our days and so gain an understanding of
our own individual processes of evolution.

The ruling elite is however at this point likely to become aware of
the energies of the cosmic plan as they are encoded in the Mayan
calendar.  It may for the first time come to feel threatened by the
cosmic plan and begin to realize that they themselves represent a
blockage to the divine plan.  It is realistic to expect an increased
determination to resist it on their part, with all kinds of possible
oppression as a result.  Needless to say, the awareness of the
existence of a cosmic plan threatening economic dominance will provoke
serious reactions among those that currently dominate the world and
enjoy the fruits of this.  It is certainly not in their interest to
let humanity know about the True Mayan calendar, which shows that
their dominance will be brought to an end by the wave movement of the
Galactic Underworld.  In fact, dominance as such, as a phenomenon that
has shaped human relations for about five thousand years, is now about
to come to an end.  It then really becomes somewhat of a race between
the forces of the future and the forces of the past, which ones are
going to understand the Mayan calendar first, because this is a tool
that could be used for any purpose.  In this sense false Mayan
calendars, notably the Dreamspell/Thirteen Moon calendar, that have
nothing to contribute to our understanding of the future, may serve
not only to create confusion, but in fact to block people s
understanding of the future based on its pretensions of being Mayan.
Only the True Mayan calendar, that outlines the rhythm and type of
changes that the world is undergoing, can bring the well-founded hope
that the world now sorely needs.

The difficult Fifth NIGHT ruled by Tezcatlipoca

At this point I feel it may be in its place to make a jump forward to
discuss what is likely to occur after the two pulses of LIGHT in DAY 4
and DAY 5.  In the Fifth NIGHT, (November 18 2007 - November 12, 2008,
ruled by the energy of Tezcatlipoca, the god of darkness), we will see
the last desperate attempts of the West, and power hierarchies based
on materialism everywhere, to remain in control and strengthen their
power in some new very oppressive way.  If the international monetary
system collapses in DAY 5 we may for instance come to see this
replaced by a centralized electronic control over everyone s economic
interactions (Not to mention control of whereabouts and other things).
Except that I simply look upon it as a phase in a cosmic plan, this is
the time period when many of the scenarios described by conspiracy
theoreticians may come true.  Regardless of the concrete forms it may
take, this is when everything will be made to keep people in the fold.
In the same way as we, during the Fifth NIGHT of the Planetary
Underworld (1932-52), saw an alliance between Nazi Germany and the
Soviet Union of Stalin we may well in the upcoming Fifth NIGHT come to
see an alliance between the rulers of China and the United States -
all in the interest of maintaining a hierarchically ruled world with a
focus on material gains.  And in the same way as the mentioned
dictatorships of the Planetary Underworld enjoyed the overwhelming
support of their subjects, we may well come to see a strong support by
the subjects of the  democracy" of the US and the  popular" regime of
China as the Fifth NIGHT begins to rule in the Galactic Underworld.
Especially in the United States people are already on a massive scale
deluded into thinking that they are free.  Those with knowledge of the
changing energies of the Mayan calendar will not be as easy to
manipulate by fear, since they are aware of the wave movement of

The shift from Chaos to the Enlightened world

Following the Fifth NIGHT large groups of people will however in the
Sixth DAY break away from hierarchical control and guided by their
intuition find a path towards increased wholeness.  This is when the
hierarchies will really start to break down, probably largely in a
chaotic way.  Yet, this is exactly the kind of chaos that is needed
for the recreation of an Enlightened world.  Creativity is born out of
chaos and if you think more deeply about it you realize that there is
no linear way from today s world (2004) to the Enlightened (2011).
Instead the enlightened world can only emerge out of a series of
transformative pulses, including periods of destruction, such as the
Fifth NIGHT.  The paradox to understand is that the very process that
seems to break down the world economy and political dominance is also
the one that paves the way for Enlightenment.  The emergence of a
fully enlightened collective state of consciousness can only thrive in
a global consciousness that is balanced.  This is because the
imbalance that has been dominating humanity for some 5000 years has
had its direct cause the dualist frame of consciousness that was
ruling throughout this time.

I feel however that the kind of Enlightenment humanity will approach
as the cosmic plan is completed in 2011 will not be like anything that
has existed previously.  Although there are many descriptions of
enlightened beings and ascended masters from human history I
personally think that their states of consciousness in various ways
have been limited by the creation fields that were ruling at the
particular time they were (or are) living.  Only in 2011 will all
veils separating human beings from the divine be removed and the
supramental consciousness of the Universal Underworld will be
unexplored territory.  In a sense we are talking about the emergence
of an entirely new species of human beings.  For the first time
Enlightenment will take place in a balanced global creation field and
this certainly will influence the depth and scope of the cosmic
consciousness that may be attained.

A crucial point of preparation for the attainment of this supramental
cosmic consciousness will be the Second Harmonic Convergence/Oneness
Celebration of the Gregorian dates May 27/28 2010 (1 Imix and 2 Ik).
This is when for the first time, standing on the balance that the
Galactic Underworld has brought, we will begin to sense the
supramental consciousness that the Universal Underworld will bring.
For all those seeking to become part of the new species of human
beings endowed with an unlimited consciousness this is a time to
absorb the new energies of universality.  These dates are placed in
relation to the Universal Underworld in the same way as the original
Harmonic Convergence, August 16-17, 1987 might be seen to have been a
preparation for the Galactic Underworld.  Tony Shearer, who originally
proposed the Harmonic Convergence in his book Quetzalcoatl - Lord of
the Dawn, based its dates on the true Mayan Calendar.  This fact was
unfortunately later obscured, and thus an important aspect of that
event was lost and still need to be retrieved.  May 27/28 2010 (1 Imix
and 2 Ik) are the dates for Phoenix to rise from the ashes and for an
Enlightened world to arise from chaos.  A sort of resurrection to the
New Jerusalem where life is lived totally in the present moment with
no limits and no separation.  God is good.  There is a logic to the
evolution of the divine encoded by the Mayan calendar.  Maybe, in
fact, God, life and consciousness are all the same.

Carl Johan Calleman, Orsa, Sweden, 8 Ahau, 5.17.0 of the Galactic
Underworld (Gregorian: November 13, 2004).

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